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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Excitement at St. Stephens- the Capture of Aaron Burr

People of Old Saint Stephens


Ephram Kirby, first Alabama judge, appointed in 1804 to St. Stephens, Washington County, died soon after appointment of yellow fever

George Strother Gaines, appointed federal trader to the Choctaw Trading House at St. Stephens, Washington County in 1804. Lived in the old Spanish commandant's residence and ran a store and land office. Built the first brick building in 1811.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Battle of Burnt Corn- July 27, 1813

Burnt Corn, Monroe County, Alabama- July 27, 1813

Mississippi Territory Militia
Colonel James Caller commanding-Washington County Alabama
Capt. B. Heard's Volunteer Company- Fort St. Stephens
Capt. B. Smoot's Volunteer Company- Fort St. Stephens
Capt. P. Cartwright's Militia Company - Washington County Alabama
Capt. S. Dale's Volunteer Company
Capt. Dixon Bailey's Native American Company- Tensaw/Little River
William McGrew's, Robert Caller's, William Bradberry's Company-Fort Glass

Total force 180 men.
Casualties 2 killed, 15 wounded

Creek Warriors "Red Sticks"*
Peter McQueen commanding- Ikana chaka (Holy Ground)


Total force about 100 warriors- est.
Casualties 10 killed, 8 wounded- est. has information on other nearby battles and massacres