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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Bad John

John Womack, whom Richard gives land to and calls his brother, was a bad sort.

He was a hog thief.

"Peter Ashbrook, Jr. aged abut 19 years; deposeth: That sometime in April last the dept. being in the Woods wth Will Puckett he did see Jno. Womeck to ye best of ye dept's knowledge with a Gunn on his shoulder going in the woods Itha small pcell of Hoggs going before him, amongst weh were five sows & some shoats, & upon the depts comeing nearing he left ye Hoggs going before him, amongst wch were five sows & some shoats & upon the depts comeing mearing he lft ye Hoggs & went another way from them. and further saidth not.

William Puckett, aged about 38 years, Examd; & sworn saith; that about the middle of Apl last goeing into the Woods in Company with Peter Ashbrook, Jnr. & Will Basse & goeing along the Path between Peter Ashbrooks & Fra. Carter's the sd. Peter Ashbrook, Jnr. call'd to this depont: & told him that yonder was Jno. Womeck coming along the path with a Gang of Hoggs before him & this to ye best of his knowledge doth depose That (looking up) he saw Jno. Womeck turn out of the Path & as fast as he could walk went down towards ye Ware & this

He abused his wife and his children.

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