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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

1697 Will of Thomas Womack- Richard's brother

Henrico County Deeds, Wills 1688-1697

From Thomas' will, it is shown that Abraham Womack (also Richard and John) were his brothers

Pucketts- brother (inlaw) Thomas Puckett, cousin Elizabeth Puckett, godson Thomas Puckett, Mary-dtr of Will Puckett, Frances dtr of Thomas Puckett

Baughs- goddaughter Catherine Baugh

John Granger (2nd husband of Richard Womack's widow, Mary Puckett Womack)

Witnessed by Henry Walthall and James Baugh

In the name of god Amen
 Know all Christian people that I Thomas Womack of the County of Henrico and parish of Bristoll being Weak of body but of Sound Memory & under Standing doe here make my last will and Testament Revoaking all others formerly be me made bequathing of my personall Estate in manner and forme following.
 Item I Bequath my Sole to god that gave it mee trusting in the meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer that at the General resurrection of the Last day my Soul and body Shall be united to gether and to rest with my redeemer in Glory amen.

21y I doe give to my godson Thomas Puckett my new four foot Chest

Item I doe give to my Couzen Elisabeth Puckett one Cow Browing Shee being great with Calfe

Item I doe give to my god Daughter Catherine Baugh one heifer of two yeares old

Item I doe give to my godson Thomas Puckett one heifer of four years old

I doe give to my Brother Thomas Puckett one Steer of three years old and a two
years old heifer and my hoggs like wise I give to my brother Thomas Puckett

Item I give to my Brother Thomas Puckett my Mare Colt

Item I give to my godson Thomas Puckett my fether bed with all its furniture

Item I give to my Brother Abraham Womack my long gun

Item I give to my godson Thomas Pucket my Small Gunn

Item I give to John Granger one Muskett

I give to my godson Thomas Puckett one old pewter dish one new plate

Item I give to Cuzo: Eliz: Puckett one old pewter dish and one new plate

Item I give to Mary Puckett daughter of Will Puckett one new Small pewter dish & two new plates

Item I give to my Brother Abraham Womack two old Pewter dishes two old plates one new large pewter bason

Item I give to John Granger one pewter bason one old pewter Dish one old plate

Item I give to Frances Puckett daughter of Thomas Puckett one new Tankard two new plates

Item I give to my brother Abraham Womack one Suite of Stript Serge

Item I give all my Linnen and Wollen that is in my new Chest I Say all that is not bequeathed I doe give to Abra: Womack Will Puckett Tho: Puckett & John Granger to be Equally Shared amongst them

Item all my goods & Chattles not bequeath I give to Thomas Puckett & William
Puckett whome I leave Execrs of this my last will to pay my debts and make a
Deacent Buriall for testimony of the Same I have hereunto Set my hand &

Seale this 21st of jannuary 1697 Thm his marke
Testis Henry Walthall Seale of red wax
James Baugh Thomas Womack

Henrico County August 2d 1697 Proved in Court by the oaths of ye Subscribed
Wittnesses and farther confirmed by verdict of a jury Entred in ye other
book of Records Test James Cocke Cl Cur."

Mean John Womack- Richard's brother

Mean John Womack- Richard's brother

This website says it all!

Mean John Womack- brother of Richard

Womack wills and inventories in colonial Virginia

Richard Womack was killed by Indians in 1684. He left a wife, Mary Puckett (who later married John Granger) and son Richard Womack born in 1674/6, William born 1679, and ?

Henrico County Records, 1677-1692, Part 2, page 185 or 285:
Inventory of Richard Womack 1684

Augt: the 19th. 1684:
An Acct. of ye Appraisal: of ye estate of Mr. Richd. Womeck, the Apprizers Sworn before Fran. Epes: (Appraised value listed in casks of tobacco)
p. tobo. & cask

Two Steers 6 yrs old 1000
Two Steers 5 yrs growth 800
one Steer of 3 years 200
Seven Cowes 2300
Three yearling Heifers 450
Four yearling Calves 280
One horse Saddle & bridle 450
One Mare & Colt 500

one pr of old belts: 10
Two joynter Stocks & joynter 60
 1 pcell (parcel?) of old Coopr tools 130

 Eight trading knives, 2 tomahauks 20
three old guns 400
1 old tent, saw 30
1 sword and belt and form 300

 Two pds (pounds) of beads, 1 plow chain, 62
one ditto 60
330 pcell (parcels) skins 100
one small do 50

One Canvas tick fether bed 14,
blankets and rug, old 450
blankets and rug 550
One old feather bed blanketts 550
6 wooden? the half of a feather bed, rug, chairs 42, 92
1 warming pan
1 chamber pot
old press 80 (his JE mark- James Ekins senior)
one chest 30
one long table
one box of iron

16 old pewter Spoons 20
seven pewter dishes 130
1 pewter flagon 35
1 qrt pot 165
one brass ladle: 6 16 old
 Two old water pails 20
 Two Small Iron potts 80
1 pr of pot racks
1 dripping pan (JB his mark- John Baugh), 1 spit 35
One old brass kettle 380
 One fryeing pan, 1 Square

 Sworn to in Henco (Henrico) County Court ye first day of October 1684
 p. by me Fran. Epes (appraiser) by Mary Womack admn

Carryed over 7662
Test H Randolph Cl Cur p whom it recorded."

This Francis Epes (Known as  was the son of Col. Francis Eppes (below) and step son of Elizabeth Worsham Epes of Bermuda Hundred.  He married Anne Isham  (dtrof Henry Isham and Katherine Royall) He was justice of the peace in Henrico in 1683.

 Francis Epes in 1658 married Elizabeth Worsham, widow of Wm Worsham of Henrico. Her dtr. Elizabeth was the wife of Richard Kennon.

Col. Francis Eppes was a justice in Henrico County in 1664/5 and served in the House of Burgesses in 1670-6. In 1673 he was granted 927 acres on the north side of the Appomattox River on Swift Creek. He and the Henrico Militia with 46 horsemen acted in August 1678 when 150-200  Indians came down the James River in Henrico- Maj. Wm. Harris was killed and two militia wounded during this encounter. Col. Francis Eppes died of wounds. His father owned Hopewell farms which is now a Nat. Historical Park at City Point in Hopewell on the Appomattox.

Homes in Henrico in the 1600's

Homes were built of wood, with roofs having chestnut shingles. Finer homes had snow white lime on the walls, and windows. Homes generally had only two rooms on the ground floor and two rooms in the  attic. The kitchen was separate from the main house.

Outbuildings provided homes for white indentured servants and negro slaves.

Sheds were built to dry tobacco. The raising of tobacco was labor intensive, and as fewer indentured servants came from Europe, more slaves were brought in from Africa. At first they were also indentured, but eventually laws were passed (the Black Code of 1705) which introduced slavery.

The History of Swift Creek- other landowners


Charles Magnor-650 acres known as Conjurer's Field- west of Swift Creek bordered on the south by the Appomattox River

Samuel Sharp- east of Magnor, inland across the creek

Abraham Piercey-head of Ashen Swamp


John Baugh- 250 acres on the Appomattox from Swift Creek to Ashen Swamp- eventually increased his lands, selling to:

William Walthall- bought 750 acres from John Baugh

Ambrose Cobbs- east of Baugh, near the Point of Rocks

Abraham Wood- east of Cobbs- extensive land on both sides of the Appomattox- thousands of acres by mid 1600's, including the trading post known as Fort Henry established on Wood's land on the lower side of the Appomattox in 1644. By 1646 Fort Henry was the legal site of all Indian trade south of the James River.

South of the Appomattox-

Francis Eppes I- 1980 acres- Francis served as the Charles City County's burgess

1677- Francis Eppes II- 927 acres on the north side of the Appomattox on Swift Creek

1690- Francis Eppes III patented 580 acres of swampy land in Henrico known as Capt. Martin's Swamp (with 3 other landowners)

1690- Frances Eppes III, Richard Kennon, Joseph Royall and George Archer patented 2,827 acres on the north side of the Appomattox in Bristol Parish, Henrico County- on Worapock (Winterpock) Creek.

1703- Eppes, Archer, and their offspring patented 4,000 acres at the mouth of Winterpock Creek. (444 acres each)

1725- Thomas Jefferson (grandfather of the president) purchased 250 acres called Wintopock that had originally belonged to Richard Womack (Henrico County Deeds 1706-1737 p 16)


A treaty with the Indians ceded land from the fall line of the James as far south as the Blackwater River- the land on the south of the James between the head of the Blackwater River and Old Manakin Town was reserved for Virginia planters. Eppington was within the land that was left to the Indians.

1670's- Nathaniel Bacon of Curles neck on the upper side of the James across from Bermuda Hundred claimed that the settlers near the head of the river were being harrassed by Indians. The people of Henrico county claimed that the forts built by Sir William Berkeley in 1676 were useless and that Indian attacks were not being addressed.  They felt that the Indian trade was being monopolized by high ranking government officials. They claimed they could not distinguish friendly Indians from foes and demanded a war against all Indians.

Bacon's Laws of 1676 allowed planters to occupy any land vacated by Indians- encouraging settlers to drive off existing tribes. A new treaty in 1677 allowed for peaceful relations, with a market for Indian trade at Manakin town on the south side of the James, and forts at the head of the four main rivers.

The History of Swift Creek- Abraham Piersey

Swift Creek, where the Womack's settled in Henrico County, was originally settled by Abraham Peirsey.

Abraham was an investor for the Virginia Company. He came to Virginia from his home in Maidstone, Kent, England, in 1616, on the "Susan" the first magazine ship for the Virginia Colony. He was authorized to trade freely, with expectations that he would sell the goods from his ship in exchange for tobacco and sassafras. After a successful voyage on the "Susan", he returned the following year on the "George" and stayed in Virginia.  By 1618 he was the "Cape Merchant" or Treasurer of the Virginia Colony. In 1619, the London Company gave him 200 acres for his service to the colony, the start of what became "Peirsey's Toile"- 1,150 acres on the upper side of the Appomattox River near Swift Creek and the Bermuda Hundred. He renamed this "Peirsey's Hundred." Peirsey traded with John Rolfe of Jamestown, among others.

On March 22, 1622, the Peirsey plantation on the Appomattox was attacked by Indians and four people were killed. At this point Peirsey was 45 years old. He testified in England that year regarding several charges against him. He returned to Virginia on July 31, 1622, on the "James." He was a member of the House of Burgesses in 1622 and the Council from 1624 until his death. However, he was not in Virginia when the census was made in February 1624.

Peirsey also owned the 1,000 acre Flowerdew Hundred Plantation, bought from Sir George Yeardley by 1624, and Weyanoke, 2,200 acres across the James.  By 1626 he had 1,150 acres on the Appomattox. He also had property in Jamestown. He was known as the second wealthiest man in Virginia at the time- with only Gov. Sir George Yeardley being wealthier. Besides his land, he had 29 bonded servants and 7 negroes.

Abraham died in Jamestown in 1628. The plantation went to his 2nd wife, Frances Greville, who later married Samuel Matthews. At her death in 1633, the plantation went to his daughter, Mary Peirsey Hill, who renamed it Flowerdieu Hundred. Abraham's daughter, Elizabeth Piercy, married  Capt. Richard Stephens, who died in 1636. They had  4 sons. After Stephen's death, Elizabeth married Gov. Harvey.

Abraham Piersey's will (proved 10 May 1633) allows for paying his debts in full, including land patents for persons imported by him since March 1620.

The Majors and their marriages by James Branch Cabell

  • Virginia immigrants and adventurers, 1607-1635: a biographical dictionary By Martha W. McCartney

Colonial Virginia resources and readings

Cultural Overview of City Point Petersburg

Indentured Servants in the Virginia Colony

Thomas Jefferson Papers Virginia 1600's Timeline

Wentopock Creek

Richard Womack the Adventurer
Old Richard Womack
Richard Womack Georgian 1710-1785

The name Wentopock, which evolved to Winterpock, was thought to be derived from the Indian word "Win-to-poak-ke."

History of this Area

Soon after the founding of Jamestown in 1607, the Virginia Company became interested in making other settlements on the James River. 50 miles upriver, the Appamattuck Indians, part of the Powhatan confederacy, had a village at Swift Creek, and another at Bermuda Hundred Point. Lt. Gov. Thomas Dale destroyed the Bermuda Hundred village in 1611 and planned a town at Henricus. In 1613, he tried another site at Bermuda Hundred at the confluence of the James and Appomattox rivers. This colony survived. Between 1611 and 1615, Henricus and Bermuda Hundred were the focus of settlement in the Virginia Colony. But in 1622, the Powhattan Confederacy attacked the settlements, killing many of the settlers. In 1624, Virginia was made a royal colony due to the lack for profits from the Virginia Company. Rather than the previous communal company land, the land was privatized, and headrights of 50 acres were given for each person transported to the new colony. Plantations began to develop along the rivers and main creeks in the area of the James and Appomattox.

In his last will and testament, Old Richard Womack left some of his land at Wentopock Creek, on the north side of the Appomattox River,  to his son Richard Womack (Deeds 1725-1736 p 16 Henrico Va) and also some to George Carter.

George Carter sold 250 acres of this land to Thomas Jefferson in 1726. Originally the plantation was know as Winterpock.

The Eppes Family and Winterpock Plantation

Later the Eppes family later added on to the land and constructed Eppington Plantation in about 1768. Francis Eppes was closely related to Martha Jefferson, the wife of Thomas Jefferson. After Martha's death, Francis and his wife raised Jefferson's two daughters while Jefferson was minister to France. One daughter, Lucy, died in 1784 and is buried at Eppington. The other daughter, Mary "Polly" married her cousin John Eppes and spent a great deal of time at Eppington.

In 1703, Francis Eppes III, a resident of Bermuda Hundred and justice of Henrico (who signed the inventory of Richard Womack the Adventurer in 1684 and was a founder of the college of William and Mary in 1693) was granted 4000 acres at the mouth of Winterpock Creek for transporting 80 people to Virginia. He and his son Francis IV continued buying land near Swift Creek. This was the most desirable land in the area, and wealthy planters vied to buy tracts.

His son, Francis IV (1683-1734) acquired more land in the area and eventually had over a dozen plantations, making him one of the wealthiest men in the colony. While the previous generation had lived simply, this generation (beginning in 1700) began to buy slaves to work the tobacco fields, and their wealth was reflected with ornate brick homes, fine furniture, and fine coaches and horses.

Eppington was built by Francis V, and lived there beginning in about 1773.

Historical paper on the area of Eppington/Winterpock

Eppington Plantation

article on Winterpock