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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Womack wills and inventories in colonial Virginia

Richard Womack was killed by Indians in 1684. He left a wife, Mary Puckett (who later married John Granger) and son Richard Womack born in 1674/6, William born 1679, and ?

Henrico County Records, 1677-1692, Part 2, page 185 or 285:
Inventory of Richard Womack 1684

Augt: the 19th. 1684:
An Acct. of ye Appraisal: of ye estate of Mr. Richd. Womeck, the Apprizers Sworn before Fran. Epes: (Appraised value listed in casks of tobacco)
p. tobo. & cask

Two Steers 6 yrs old 1000
Two Steers 5 yrs growth 800
one Steer of 3 years 200
Seven Cowes 2300
Three yearling Heifers 450
Four yearling Calves 280
One horse Saddle & bridle 450
One Mare & Colt 500

one pr of old belts: 10
Two joynter Stocks & joynter 60
 1 pcell (parcel?) of old Coopr tools 130

 Eight trading knives, 2 tomahauks 20
three old guns 400
1 old tent, saw 30
1 sword and belt and form 300

 Two pds (pounds) of beads, 1 plow chain, 62
one ditto 60
330 pcell (parcels) skins 100
one small do 50

One Canvas tick fether bed 14,
blankets and rug, old 450
blankets and rug 550
One old feather bed blanketts 550
6 wooden? the half of a feather bed, rug, chairs 42, 92
1 warming pan
1 chamber pot
old press 80 (his JE mark- James Ekins senior)
one chest 30
one long table
one box of iron

16 old pewter Spoons 20
seven pewter dishes 130
1 pewter flagon 35
1 qrt pot 165
one brass ladle: 6 16 old
 Two old water pails 20
 Two Small Iron potts 80
1 pr of pot racks
1 dripping pan (JB his mark- John Baugh), 1 spit 35
One old brass kettle 380
 One fryeing pan, 1 Square

 Sworn to in Henco (Henrico) County Court ye first day of October 1684
 p. by me Fran. Epes (appraiser) by Mary Womack admn

Carryed over 7662
Test H Randolph Cl Cur p whom it recorded."

This Francis Epes (Known as  was the son of Col. Francis Eppes (below) and step son of Elizabeth Worsham Epes of Bermuda Hundred.  He married Anne Isham  (dtrof Henry Isham and Katherine Royall) He was justice of the peace in Henrico in 1683.

 Francis Epes in 1658 married Elizabeth Worsham, widow of Wm Worsham of Henrico. Her dtr. Elizabeth was the wife of Richard Kennon.

Col. Francis Eppes was a justice in Henrico County in 1664/5 and served in the House of Burgesses in 1670-6. In 1673 he was granted 927 acres on the north side of the Appomattox River on Swift Creek. He and the Henrico Militia with 46 horsemen acted in August 1678 when 150-200  Indians came down the James River in Henrico- Maj. Wm. Harris was killed and two militia wounded during this encounter. Col. Francis Eppes died of wounds. His father owned Hopewell farms which is now a Nat. Historical Park at City Point in Hopewell on the Appomattox.

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