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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

1697 Will of Thomas Womack- Richard's brother

Henrico County Deeds, Wills 1688-1697

From Thomas' will, it is shown that Abraham Womack (also Richard and John) were his brothers

Pucketts- brother (inlaw) Thomas Puckett, cousin Elizabeth Puckett, godson Thomas Puckett, Mary-dtr of Will Puckett, Frances dtr of Thomas Puckett

Baughs- goddaughter Catherine Baugh

John Granger (2nd husband of Richard Womack's widow, Mary Puckett Womack)

Witnessed by Henry Walthall and James Baugh

In the name of god Amen
 Know all Christian people that I Thomas Womack of the County of Henrico and parish of Bristoll being Weak of body but of Sound Memory & under Standing doe here make my last will and Testament Revoaking all others formerly be me made bequathing of my personall Estate in manner and forme following.
 Item I Bequath my Sole to god that gave it mee trusting in the meritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer that at the General resurrection of the Last day my Soul and body Shall be united to gether and to rest with my redeemer in Glory amen.

21y I doe give to my godson Thomas Puckett my new four foot Chest

Item I doe give to my Couzen Elisabeth Puckett one Cow Browing Shee being great with Calfe

Item I doe give to my god Daughter Catherine Baugh one heifer of two yeares old

Item I doe give to my godson Thomas Puckett one heifer of four years old

I doe give to my Brother Thomas Puckett one Steer of three years old and a two
years old heifer and my hoggs like wise I give to my brother Thomas Puckett

Item I give to my Brother Thomas Puckett my Mare Colt

Item I give to my godson Thomas Puckett my fether bed with all its furniture

Item I give to my Brother Abraham Womack my long gun

Item I give to my godson Thomas Pucket my Small Gunn

Item I give to John Granger one Muskett

I give to my godson Thomas Puckett one old pewter dish one new plate

Item I give to Cuzo: Eliz: Puckett one old pewter dish and one new plate

Item I give to Mary Puckett daughter of Will Puckett one new Small pewter dish & two new plates

Item I give to my Brother Abraham Womack two old Pewter dishes two old plates one new large pewter bason

Item I give to John Granger one pewter bason one old pewter Dish one old plate

Item I give to Frances Puckett daughter of Thomas Puckett one new Tankard two new plates

Item I give to my brother Abraham Womack one Suite of Stript Serge

Item I give all my Linnen and Wollen that is in my new Chest I Say all that is not bequeathed I doe give to Abra: Womack Will Puckett Tho: Puckett & John Granger to be Equally Shared amongst them

Item all my goods & Chattles not bequeath I give to Thomas Puckett & William
Puckett whome I leave Execrs of this my last will to pay my debts and make a
Deacent Buriall for testimony of the Same I have hereunto Set my hand &

Seale this 21st of jannuary 1697 Thm his marke
Testis Henry Walthall Seale of red wax
James Baugh Thomas Womack

Henrico County August 2d 1697 Proved in Court by the oaths of ye Subscribed
Wittnesses and farther confirmed by verdict of a jury Entred in ye other
book of Records Test James Cocke Cl Cur."

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